personal website philosophy

I finally got around to rebuying the domain of my full name.

The first time I attempted at a personal website, I used it to learn the basics of Svelte and some CSS. But it turned out super pretentious, and trying to learn the design skills necessary to make it look good was something I quickly lost momentum for.

Some time later I ran into Steve Ango’s website, which struck me. The site’s minimal beauty and his philosophy of file-over-app was something I thought about for days after.

So as a nod to that site and the ideal it promotes, I’ve decided to rebuild and redeploy my personal website. The idea of a “digital garden,” where form (visual grace) and function (information transmission) are one, just makes sense for a backend developer without the patience for Figma.

I won’t post often, I’m not that interested in blogging. But my Markdown files are here to stay–maybe even longer than I am.